Current and Past Projects
Cooperative members work on a variety of projects, ranging from practical advice for individual woodlands, through landscape scale activity to projects that cover the whole of Scotland. Clients include crofters, farmers, estates, community woodland groups, the Woodland Trust, Scottish Forestry, Nature Scot, both Scottish National Park Authorities, and Scottish Environment LINK.
Here is a sample of the work that Cooperative members have been involved with
Current Projects
Rainforest Restoration for Craignish: Nature Restoration Fund success!
We're pleased to announce that we will be working with Woodland Trust to help to develop plans for rainforest restoration on the Craignish peninsula, following a successful bid to the Nature Restoration Fund. We'll be talking to landowners and community members to get their support, and then surveying and costing the work needed to secure a better future for this part of Scotland's rainforest.
Please contact Gordon for more information
Ecosystem Restoration and Scotland's Rainforest
The Cooperative is excited to have joined the Alliance for Scotland's Rainforest. This will allow us to build on partnership work with the Woodland Trust which has been aimed at building the case for large scale projects in the Rainforest. The next phase of this work is in development at present.
Contact Gordon
Support for community woodlands
We have worked with several communities, including Cormonachan, Glenan, Kilfinan, Achnamara, Tayvallich, Arkaig, and Cambusbarron with various partners. Tasks have included Feasibility Studies, Community Consultation, Options Appraisals, Management Plans, Business Plans, Training and Support. Contact: Gary |
Forestry Cooperation SRDP applications
We're developing an expertise in delivering Forestry Cooperation Projects, primarily looking at landscape scale herbivore management, but also taking advantage of opportunities for woodland creation. Contact: Victor |
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Farm and Estate advice on SRDP applications and Environmental Impact Assessments
We have a strong presence throughout the Highlands, and are happy to develop applications and management recommendations either directly for you, or indirectly by providing specialist knowledge and advice to other woodland management companies. Contact: Gary |
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Collaborative Rhododendron Control in Appin
Working on with the local Development Trust to find ways and means to deliver innovative population scale Rhodendron control in Appin to follow up the work we carried out in Glen Creran. Engaging with residents and winning their support, quantifying and costing the scale of the problem, raising funding, selecting contractors and organsing workshops are all part of the mix. Partners include NatureScot, Scottish Forestry,
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Deer Management Advice
We have establised expertise in developing deer management plans, either for Deer Management Groups or individual properties. Victor Clements is Secretary to the Breadalbane DMG and sits on the Executive Committee of the Association of Deer Management Groups. Contact: Victor |
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We retain an interest in campaigning on a variety of environmental issues. One such current issue is the Tayside beavers. Contact: Victor |
Completed Projects
Deer in the Rainforest
We have completed an Environment LINK report on approaches to deer management in the rainforest. In collaboration with Argyll Woodlanders and Broomhill Ecology. Contact: Gordon |
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Restoration of Ancient Woodland Sites
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We worked with the Woodland Trust Scotland to provide a free advisory service for managers and owners on the restoration of these valuable ancient woodland sites. We emphasised gradual restoration, retaining productive capacity, but slowly re-developing the conservation potential of these sites. We helped to restore over 1000 ha, working over much of Scotland, but particularly in Argyll and Lochaber Contact: Gordon |
Strategic Approaches to Rhododendron Control
In conjunction with Argyll Woodlanders we completed a major review for Forest and Land Scotland on approaches to rhododendron control on the National Forest Estate, and a seperate study on rhododendron control in the rainforest for Woodland Trust. Contact: Gordon |
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Atlantic Hazel Action Group
Completion of the Awareness Raising Project for the Species Action Framework Hazel Glove Fungus. Work has included organising events and workshops, woodland advisory visits, and publishing a book.
Contact: Gordon
Management Planning for Designated Sites
For over 6 years the Cooperative played a part on Scottish Natural Heritage's Framework for Management Planning for Designated Sites and Protected Species. We successfully completed work on a wide range of sites, addressing issues such as the impacts of herbivore and invasive non native plants.
Review of Scotland's Forestry Grant Scheme
We worked for Scottish Environment LINK to lay out the current arrangements for grant support for both woodland management and new planting, and to make recommendations for securing appropriate changes. Contact Gordon |
Red Squirrel Stronghold Strategic Management Statements
We drew up Strategic Management Statements for the 18 Scottish Red Squirrel Strongholds for Forestry Commission Scotland.
Contact: Gordon
Landscape Design Plan for Ardkinglas Woodland Garden
Working for Ardkinglas Estate and the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh we developed a Landscape Design Plan for this important west coast garden, including advice on managing the plant collection and proposals to enhance visitor facilities and marketing.
Contact Gordon
Woodland Advice for Kintyre Farm Woodland Project

Provision of management advice to this farmer led project which was hosted by the Argyll Agricultural Forum. This involved woodland assessment for woodfuel production, advice on native woodland planting, and advice on marketing hardwood timber. Project has successfully evolved into the Argyll Small Woods Cooperative
Contact Gordon
Landscape Design Plan for the Dell, Brahan Estate
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We developed a Landscape Design Plan for this woodland garden as it becomes a part of the National Tree Collection of Scotland. Clients were the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, and the project was delivered with Adam Reidi. |
Preparing Atlantic Woodland Bid for EU LIFE Programme
Work involved securing the support of the managers & owners of land, and communities in and around three Special Areas of Conservation, landscape scale projects involving the co-operation of over 300 owners. Worked to a Steering Group including Forestry Commission, SNH, Plantlife and RSPB.
Contact Gordon